Tecnologia – Intel: Ricavi 2Q21 a 18,5 mld $ (+2%), gross margin al 59,2%

Nel secondo trimestre 2021 Intel ha riportato ricavi per 18,5 miliardi di dollari in rialzo del 2% (dati Non-Gaap), con un gross margin che migliora dal 56,3% al 59,2%. L’utile netto si è attestato a 5,2 miliardi (+6%) e gli Earnings per Share a 1,28 dollari (+12%).

Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO, ha dichiarato “There’s never been a more exciting time to be in the semiconductor industry. The digitization of everything continues to accelerate, creating a vast growth opportunity for us and our customers across core and emerging business areas. With our scale and renewed focus on both innovation and execution, we are uniquely positioned to capitalize on this opportunity, which I believe is merely the beginning of what will be a decade of sustained growth across the industry. Our second-quarter results show that our momentum is building, our execution is improving, and customers continue to choose us for leadership products.”

La guidance per il terzo trimestre indica approssimativamente ricavi a 18,2 miliardi (dati Non-Gaap) e un gross margin al 55%, con un tax rate al 4%, ed EPS a 1,10$. Le previsioni per l’intero esercizio evidenziano invece un fatturato di 73,5 miliardi (dati Non-Gaap) e un gross margin al 56,5%. Le stime mostrano inoltre un EPS 2021 a 4,80$ e un free cash-flow full year a 11 miliardi.